Illegally parked cars could be towed under new ordinance


The City of Port Huron will soon have the ability to tow vehicles that are illegally parked. City Council had a first reading of the proposed ordinance Monday which would allow the removal of vehicles parked in tow away zones. Mayor Pauline Repp tells WPHM the city previously could only ticket, but not tow, vehicles that were illegally parked. “In the summertime we have a lot of cars that park up by the beaches… they’ll park on the street and sometimes block people’s driveways” said Repp. “The availability was there to ticket them but obviously that didn’t solve the real issue.” If enacted at the next council meeting, police would be able to remove and impound a vehicle that parks in a tow away zone. Also Monday city council passed a resolution that encourages continued mask wearing and social distancing in the city at the request of the county’s medical health officer.


April 27 Pauline Repp