Saturday is drug take back day


It’s your opportunity to properly dispose of unwanted drugs – no questions asked. Saturday is the semi-annual National Drug Take Back Day and local law enforcement agencies want you to get rid of your pills responsibly. Both the St. Clair and Sanilac County Sheriff offices will be collecting unused or expired medication Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Liquids and syringes will not be accepted. Drop-off locations include the St. Clair County Sheriff’s office in Port Huron Township and the Sanilac County Sheriff’s office in Sandusky. Various other city and state agencies will also be collecting drugs this weekend. In St. Clair County alone more than 2100 pounds of pills have been collected over the past 17 years. The drugs are turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration for incineration. Authorities say proper disposal is the best way to keep drugs out of the wrong hands and out of the water supply.